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Are you in 8th - 12th grade?


Are you interested in being a leader and taking action in the world?


The Changemakers Council is our signature program, a group of young women in 8th - 12th-grade who participate in a year-long journey of learning and mentorship to build and utilize your leadership gifts in the community. The council has monthly mentoring meetings, a series of 6 leadership workshops, creative experiences (programs with professional artists, Broadway empowerment days, artistic field trips) and community events where you mentor other girls and participate as teaching assistants, hosts and speakers.


You also share your story and use your voice, writing reflections and blogs, creating content for social media and developing a “Take Action” project, an individualized, issue-focused program, which gives you the opportunity to positively impact your community. “Take Action” projects focus on a societal challenge of each council member’s choosing and teaches you, with the support of an adult mentor, how to set and accomplish your goals by brainstorming, developing, organizing and implementing your projects.


Finally, at the end of your year-long journey, you work as a team to develop and lead a 5-day summer empowerment arts program for local elementary school girls, sharing your leadership and learnings with them in a creative, interactive, fun environment.





We are looking for young women to join our team for the 2023-2024 school year (September - June).


To apply, click here!

2023-2024 program fee: $500.00*

For more information, please contact

*Scholarships available for those in financial need.


Join the CHANGEMAKERS COUNCIL for the 2023-2024 school year.


Are you in 5th - 7th grade? 



We have something for you too!



The Junior Changemakers Council s a group of upper elementary and middle school girls, who want to develop their leadership abilities to be changemakers. Similar to The Changemakers Council, our junior council gathers once a month for mentorship, to explore leadership topics, build friendships, strengthen skills and learn to use your voice to make positive change in the world.


You will emerge from the Changemakers Councils showing personal growth and increased leadership abilities; improved confidence and self-awareness; increased knowledge of leaders, past and present; greater awareness of local and global issues; and implementation of concrete action steps towards change.


If you are interested in joining our team for the 2023-2024 school year (September -June), 

or for more information, please contact


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