Inspiring Girls on Broadway
Ever since my parents took me to see Disney's The Little Mermaid, I have been in love with Broadway. I was fascinated by the dancing, the singing, the energy, the sets and costumes. It was a magical spectacle, and I have been going back to see shows ever since.

When I heard of the opportunity to see Broadway shows through One World Girl, I was ecstatic! You can imagine my excitement when I learned that not only would we be seeing the show with other girls our age, but we would get to talk to some professional Broadway actors as well!
When the day of the trip arrived, I was practically jumping up and down with glee. This was an opportunity that you don't come across every day, and I got to experience it and meet new people at the same time. Talking to those three women in the studio was incredible. The space was small, which made the conversation more intimate. We discussed a wide range of topics, from mantras to get through bad days to funny stories about mishaps in shows. It was cool to see these people off the stage.
Our group admitted that many of us didn't want to go into the preforming arts field, but we agreed that we could all apply their advice to our lives. We started out as complete strangers to the actresses, and ended up having a deep and honest discussion, which I think is remarkable. I truly felt empowered when I walked out of that room.
One of the women was in the ensemble of Wicked, which we were seeing later and she had told us how to spot her in each scene. I felt a personal connection with the show, almost like I had an inside connection. When I spotted the wig she had described earlier, I excitedly whispered "THAT'S HER!"
The show was incredible, one of my favorites since I was young. I always enjoy seeing shows, as I love to preform in them and it's cool to watch professionals doing what you love. It was so neat to see the actresses outside of the theatre and then in the show. I had a wonderful time on these trips and look forward to hopefully doing one again soon!